How Corrily Increased Skillshare’s projected conversion by 31%

When a leading online learning company was looking for a partner who could complement their existing experiment infrastructure, they turned to Corrily's robust platform to support and further scale their efforts, resulting in a 31% increase in projected conversion.
Kirill Gugaev, CTO @ Corrily

KPI Priority

The primary goal was to increase projected conversion.


Increasing prices for a group of higher-income (up to 90%).
Decreasing prices for higher-income (up to 60% for some countries) and low-income economies (up to 75% less).
Adjusting for specific target audiences in a country (US for example was kept close to 1x with slight beautification).


increase in projected conversion
Tradeoff 2.5% decrease in projected revenue per checkout view.

About Skillshare

Skillshare is an online learning community with over 13 million registered members worldwide. Members can explore their creativity by learning from thousands of classes in various creative disciplines.
Skillshare had been running price experiments internally and was looking for a partner who could complement their efforts without the need to significantly change their infrastructure, which they found in Corrily’s robust platform.
Skillshare worked with Corrily to further scale and run full-stack price optimization tests with the goal to increase user conversion. Additionally, Corrily offered tailored solutions to Skillshare and provided analytical support and insights on Skillshare-specific metrics.



August 2021
Skillshare and Corrily entered into agreement. Corrily delved into Skillshare’s previous experiments and metrics, and recommended ways to scale up experimentation processes. Both sides aligned on a roadmap and timelines.


October 2021
Data access was granted and Corrily’s API was integrated and wrapped around the prices Skillshare displays in its pricing page. Data was allowed to flow through to ensure stability.

A small-scale pilot test was launched to ensure accuracy and validate the data.

Optimization 1

January - April 2022
Skillshare launched country experiments in succession during which Corrily’s API tested different price points with the goal of increasing projected revenue.

Corrily’s proposed set of optimal prices resulted in expected projected revenue increase ranging from 14% to 38% in respective countries.

Optimization 2

April - May 2022
Based on the successful results of the country experiments, Skillshare launched a subsequent global price experiment. The goal was to find a set of beautified prices that increase conversion rates whilst keeping overall revenue constant.

Corrily achieved a 31% increase in projected conversion with only a 2.5% decrease in projected revenue per checkout view.


May 2022
During the experimentation, Skillshare had access to Corrily’s database. Corrily also helped track key metrics as well as Skillshare specific metrics, exposed a dashboard to Skillshare for performance tracking, and provided weekly performance reports.


After seeing large improvements in revenue and conversion rates, Skillshare locked in and rolled out pricing that Corrily recommended.

Skillshare is interested in exploring pricing psychology and expanding experimentation to other countries. Corrily’s platform easily supports these requirements and subsequent pricing projects are underway.

Hands-on support, real-time monitoring and full database access

Data access was granted and Corrily’s API was integrated and wrapped around Skillshare’s prices. Data was allowed to flow through to ensure stability.
Corrily provided white-glove support during integration working with developers closely over a shared Slack channel. This included code review, integration testing, and data validation.
During the optimization phase, Skillshare had access to a dashboard to monitor the experiments.
In addition, Skillshare’s data analysts had direct access to the experiment data allowing them to complement the analyses using their own suite of reporting tools.
On a regular basis Corrily provided ad-hoc analyses of performance, as well as regular catch-ups and reports.
During the engagement, Skillshare had access to Corrily’s database. Corrily also helped Skillshare track key and Skillshare specific user metrics, allowing cross-functional stakeholders to monitor performance.
Corrily also granted full database access to Skillshare, which allowed for data to be seamlessly integrated with other internal tools that Skillshare was already using.